When you think of a superhero, you often imagine a man or woman wearing a cape and fighting the enemy with weapons. Well, there’s currently a “champion of change” who wears traditional Nigerian attire rather than a cape and who uses his words and wisdom as his weapon for change against the enemy known as pollution […]
Monthly Archives: June 2018
Wanted: Your stories about how Global Warming / Climate Change / Climate Disruption or Climate Crisis has affected you, your family, community or country? Share your story about what type of project you would like to create in your community or country to help humanity deal with Global Warming / Climate Change / […]
70 Outstanding youth around the world at the East Promenade end of the UN in New York, they were invited to a Pre-conference mocktail reception hosted bythe President of UN General Assembly Mr.Miroslav Lajcak on 29th May 2018 At a time when most Nigerians across the nation feel abandon by their government especially over the constant internal […]