Monthly Archives: April 2019

Adidas reveals new 100% recyclable footwear

Adidas has launched a new 100 per cent recyclable shoe aimed at unlocking a circular future for the sports industry. The FUTURECRAFT.LOOP line is aimed at tackling the problem of plastic waste. The company want to promote a circular economy where materials can be repurposed again and again. The shoes are a transformative approach to […]

Team 54 Project Football Advocacy Match

Team Climate Action vs Team Climate Change Morning on the 20th April 2019 wasn’t just another, regular morning in the Ayetoro-itele, ota Ogun State in Nigeria. It was a day when Team 54 Project International Coordinator Mr Solomon Oluwaseun Samson organized the first Football Advocacy Match to raise awareness about climate change in his community. […]

Global Warming Confirmed By Planet Earth ‘Skin Temperature Test’

Satellite measurements of the Earth’s “skin temperature” have confirmed that global warming is heating up the planet. The infra-red sensitive system was used to record temperature trends from 2003 to 2017. It showed a warming pattern consistent with other land-based measurements. The satellite system records temperature at the surface of the ocean, land and snow-covered […]

Team 54 Project Country Coordinator for Comoros offered a sponsorship by the Obama Foundation

The country coordinator for Comoros, Mr Omar Ibn Abdillah has been selected to be part of the Obama Foundation Leadership: Africa Program training starting in South Africa in few months time. The excited Mr Omar could not hold his joy as his letter was sent to him. He was selected from among 7,000 applicants and […]

Legal and General Investment bosses warn about climate catastrophe

Bosses of a major asset management firm have warned about the catastrophic effects of climate change. The UK’s largest money manager, Legal and General Investment Management, have stated that the world is facing a climate catastrophe and businesses around the world must urgently address it. They say that if they remain ignorant to this crisis, […]

Eco-Hero Award (EHA) Winner for March 2019 – Motlatsi Makhasane

This month individuals confirmed for Eco-Hero Award (EHA) for March 2019 are members who are indeed young community leaders and they have gone through a lot and they join the Team 54 Project family from different disciplines and fully inspired to make a difference in their respective societies. They empowered and inspired children in war torn […]

Eco-Hero Award (EHA) Winner for March 2019 – Malek Khaled Mohammed Al-Hajj

This month individuals confirmed for Eco-Hero Award (EHA) for March 2019 are members who are indeed young community leaders and they have gone through a lot and they join the Team 54 Project family from different disciplines and fully inspired to make a difference in their respective societies. They empowered and inspired children in war torn […]

Better sewage treatment critical for human health and ecosystems

World Health Day on 7 April is a reminder that effective wastewater management and sanitation systems are vital for human health.  The volume of sewage in the world is set to rise in line with population growth. Furthermore, the growth in global wealth means our wastewater, including sewage, contains increasing amounts of dangerous chemicals, toxic […]

Team 54 Project supports FridaysForFuture

On Friday, March 5th, Team 54 Project Serbia joined the first strike held in Belgrade, capital of Serbia, and supported this global movement. The event was organized by the group of high-school students and the organization Climate Save Serbia. The goal was to put Serbia on the world map of awareness about climate issues […]